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While action has always been the point of video games (unless you really, really like Battle Chess or Anticipation), the means of representing the action have often changed to suit the technology. Before the pixels got all smoothed-out and the whole world shifted to 3rd-person


I need a shovel for all these cartridges. No, a backhoe. We're taking another, longer, more loving look at the NES game library this month, and there's so much to love. Even the cheese. From the top-notch classics to the knockoff nostalgia, everyone's got a favorite


Welcome back, boils and ghouls! It's time for the second chunk of meat in the three-course massacre I've dubbed the NEStravaganza. I plan to get full-on Sawyer family with this one, so strap on your drool cups and fasten your restraints. I'm plucking both weeds


At the end of last month, we looked at three titles from the year 1987, taking stock of their pros and cons thirty years after their original release. I like to think of the process as something between an honest review, a nostalgic look back,


I'll start this off the way I like to start as many conversations as possible these days: I have a ton of emulators now, not to mention a handful of working consoles. Every moment I don't spend writing, doing other work, playing D&D, sleeping, reading,