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This movie is painfully entertaining. The basic formula for cheesy 90’s cinema; if you didn’t see it in a matinee then you probably rented it from the local video store. Schlocky leftover clichés from the previous decade: firearms that sound like explosions, urban cowboy boots, duster


Dropping by for a top-shelf crash course in European electronic blasts from the past, Maethelvin honoured us with a magnificent deep-dive into the world of 80s electronic music. As the co-conspirator behind the influential Valerie Collective brought us most of what you hear and see


In some of the older D&D books from the golden days of TSR (namely “1st edition” Advanced D&D), The few incredible images rendered by masters like Erol Otus are surrounded on all sides by what can best be described as “almost art.” It's either strange


[caption id="attachment_23562" align="aligncenter" width="612"] Hey, look, we found it![/caption] I put this off until I was ready to be mad about video games on our website again. I suppose now's a good enough time; I have a minor but very painful sinus infection, it's making it