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Earlier in the month of May I paid some due respect to the platformer, that ubiquitous and well-loved game format that has seen countless iterations since its inception in the early 80s. Platformers are possibly the most well-recognized type of video game worldwide, even by


The core of almost every decent video game's story is conflict. Whether it's the fierce hand-to-hand hoops of NBA Jam, the brutal martial arts murder of Mortal Kombat, or DOOM's epic battle against Hell


(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As many JRPG fans know, when Final Fantasy II was released for the SNES in America in 1991, it was actually the fourth installment in the series. As all too


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="538.0"] For tonight's main event, I present one of my favorite sports games! Well, "sports entertainment" games, anyway.[/caption] If you’ve been a longtime reader of our site, then you may know that one of my guilty pleasures is classic pro