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Dominion (ドミニオン, Dominion) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Masamune Shirow. Set in the fictional city of Newport, Japan, in a future in which bacteria as well as air pollution have become so severe that people must wear gas masks when outdoors, the


Retro Movie of the Month goes to 1988's HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN. MadMax's bastard child. A future where human birth rates are at an all time low and reptilian mutations have evolved into the new age. No, it's not a David Icke lecture. It's Roddy


Escape from the Bronx (Italian: Fuga dal Bronx), also known as Bronx Warriors 2 in the United Kingdom and Escape 2000, is a 1983 Italian action film directed by Enzo G. Castellari. It was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000 under its Escape 2000 name.


This movie is painfully entertaining. The basic formula for cheesy 90’s cinema; if you didn’t see it in a matinee then you probably rented it from the local video store. Schlocky leftover clichés from the previous decade: firearms that sound like explosions, urban cowboy boots, duster


20th CENTURY BOYS I’m back bitches. And here we are – together again. Forever. Here this December 2020 the movie pick is the live action adaptation 20TH CENTURY BOYS directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi and based on the classic manga written & illustrated by Naoki Urasawa(Monster, Pluto). This


I am back!!!!! Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, known in Japan as just Innocence (イノセンス, Inosensu), is a 2004 anime/computer-animated cyberpunk film that serves as a sequel to 1995's Ghost in the Shell. It was co-produced by Production I.G and Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten,


Awaydays is directed by Pat Holden and stars Stephen Graham. Based on a novel of the same name published in 1998 written by Kevin Sampson. The story of a young adolescent who joins a local football firm and becomes a Casual. Running with the pack, he


tHE year was 1995 and only the kid with the full-time employed parent with a head for managing money had a home PC. Do you recall the annoyance of waiting for that alien orgasm noise from your speakers as you logged onto the internet and