Here I am once again, sliding headfirst into home to meet monthly deadlines, with a big goofy smile on my face and five more game boxes that raise more questions than they answer. There are just so fun to do that it's hard not to
Here I am once again, sliding headfirst into home to meet monthly deadlines, with a big goofy smile on my face and five more game boxes that raise more questions than they answer. There are just so fun to do that it's hard not to
Before you say anything: yes, we're doing this again, and yes I intend to keep doing them until I can't find any more. The Internet is a vast ocean, and images are easy to conjure from its murky depths. If it exists or it existed,
I have been neglectful in my duties, my friends. Let me explain. We look at piles and piles of games, both good and bad, for “every system.” Right? We try to be broad in our search, and in our examinations of what we find; I
2018 is on its way out the door, and it's time for us to do what we do best here at NewRetroWave
Twice now we have sojourned into the benighted lands beyond. The perpetual twilight realm of “not much of an art budget” and the neighboring nightmare kingdom of “just draw or paint whatever you want, we have a deadline.” We came, we saw, we were disgusted
I am probably the least “cool” person who writes for this website, hands down, but we like to talk about cool stuff here, right? Rockets, lasers, barbarians, robots, all kinds of shit. Motorcycles are pretty high on the cool index. Being both a spineless coward
I've got good news and bad news, Retrofans. To follow the cliché, I'm going to lead with the bad news, because you've hung with me a long time and you can take it. The bad news is, I lied to you at the end of
In some of the older D&D books from the golden days of TSR (namely “1st edition” Advanced D&D), The few incredible images rendered by masters like Erol Otus are surrounded on all sides by what can best be described as “almost art.” It's either strange
[caption id="attachment_23562" align="aligncenter" width="612"] Hey, look, we found it![/caption] I put this off until I was ready to be mad about video games on our website again. I suppose now's a good enough time; I have a minor but very painful sinus infection, it's making it
We can't keep talking about all these consoles and carts that clutter and crowd my creepy crypt out here on the edge of the NRW estate. At least, not without taking a look at what the 2nd Edition AD&D Dungeon Master Guide would call “The
It’s never guaranteed which games become eSports titles. Some big-budget video games fail to make the cut while others designed by smaller independent studios can fill arenas with eager fans. A burgeoning eSports scene can be hugely lucrative to game developers as they aim to
In a time beyond time, when the grit and stone of our video gaming foundations was still somewhat molten and mutable, there were games whose footsteps left a fossilized and indelible mark on the tone of things to come. In these earlier days, it was