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  Starring Matthew Modine (Dark Knight Rises, Full Metal Jacket, Stranger Things), Frank Jasper, Daphne Zuniga, Linda Florentino (Gotcha, Last Seduction), Michael Schoeffling (Sixteen Candles), Ronny Cox (Total Recall, Robocop). Directed by Harold Becker and released on February 15, 1985 earning a modest Box Office of


The Big Four pay-per-views of the WWE date back to the early televised days - back when it was the WWF. Non-fans know what Wrestlemania is. Casual fans eagerly await the Royal Rumble and Summerslam each year. In the shuffle of this, Survivor Series is


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="538.0"] For tonight's main event, I present one of my favorite sports games! Well, "sports entertainment" games, anyway.[/caption] If you’ve been a longtime reader of our site, then you may know that one of my guilty pleasures is classic pro


On January 23rd, 1984, Hulk Hogan pinned the Iron Sheik to win the WWF (know called WWE) World Championship. This began a phenomenon lovingly referred to as “Hulkamania.” It also set off one of the more interesting periods in professional wrestling, and in pop music, which came to be