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10. Fallen World (Valiant Comics) It doesn’t take long into one’s journey through the criminally underappreciated Valiant universe to notice the parallels between Rai, the mainstay of Valiant’s future timeline, and Bloodshot, the popular character with an upcoming feature length-film. Fallen World could have been a


Seven days from now, London’s Southbank will be hosting what is already setting out to be the undisputed Retro gathering of the summer. European retroheads, mark your calendars on July 27th if you haven’t already, because Retro Future Fest is a date you’re not going


After three years of tireless efforts to deliver what is hyped up to be the Retrowave movie experience of a lifetime, Seth Ickerman has recently announced the near completion of their widely anticipated Blood Machines Space-Opera feature. Pitched as a follow up to the jaw-dropping


Last weeks’ Retro Synth Fury has come and gone in what seemed like a flash, having guided avid Synthwave enthusiasts deep into the night with a flawless, steady delivery of top-grade shows. The first night at Supersonic surpassed all expectations with a warm-up show consisting of