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One week ago, news of Daft Punk’s separation spread at lightspeed across the Internet, marking the end of a grand chapter in electronic music. Whereas the current music scene sees most artists withering into irrelevance beyond a three-year wait between releases, the sudden end of


Seasoned Retrowave musician, songwriter and creative director Laura Fares has just made her Full-length debut as a solo artist with Believer. Having shared the stage and served as a trusted songwriter for NINA, LAU’s creative imprint on the scene is only further anchored on this ten-track


Last weeks’ Retro Synth Fury has come and gone in what seemed like a flash, having guided avid Synthwave enthusiasts deep into the night with a flawless, steady delivery of top-grade shows. The first night at Supersonic surpassed all expectations with a warm-up show consisting of


Adult Swim, long celebrated for their famous taste in music from bumps to show soundtracks, has released a smashing new synthwave compilation, “Fever Dreams” “Fever Dreams” is an eclectic mix featuring some of the biggest names in synth such as Com Truise, Lazerhawk, Gost, Carpenter Brut,


The Top Ten Retrowave Music Videos of 2018 are here! The criteria for this list was that the video not only have a fantastic retro aesthetic, but also contain a top-notch track. Retro and synth music is becoming more and more mainstream, and as such


The sensational synthwave siren NINA is back with her debut full-length album, “Sleepwalking!” Packed full of punchy pop vibes, expertly arranged arpeggiations and breathy, timeless vocals, NINA’s “Sleepwalking” is slated to be a triple-A release. This should come as no surprise, since the London based singer-songwriter