Recently, John Romero released a fifth episode for the original, legendary 1993 DOOM. I hope you're ready to face hell again, because it's packed into this one tighter than rancid sardines. You will be hurt
Recently, John Romero released a fifth episode for the original, legendary 1993 DOOM. I hope you're ready to face hell again, because it's packed into this one tighter than rancid sardines. You will be hurt
A dark world of magic and mayhem awaits as Bryan reviews 1994's Heretic! Tune in!
I've been reading a lot lately about the video game developers who were active in Japan in the 1980s and early 90s, and I've learned some of interesting stuff. A lot of it has to do with these companies' origins and beginnings –
In the years between 1989 and 1997, the earliest strong attempts at 3D “first person” games were being fired at the wall. As 1992-93 rolled on, this fire reached a machine-gun rate due to the success of Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. Even now,
Lately I've been playing all these old games using DOSBox. It's been like a time warp back to one of my formative experiences as a video gamer. I can still remember playing my first PC games when I was 8 or 9 years
I've got another one for you Retro Fright Fans this October, a cult favorite for the PC. Dark Seed is one from back in the DOS days, although it saw release for the Amiga as well. Released in 1992, the game is a
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); For the past couple of years, all I hear about from my friends is how great Skyrim is.I mean, they're right. It's a graphical and gameplay masterpiece. It outshines the previous two installments in