Another Japan-only game from Namco, and in fact its first 16-bit arcade platformer. Bryan takes a look at the good, the bad, and the very ugly of Yokai Dochuki.
Another Japan-only game from Namco, and in fact its first 16-bit arcade platformer. Bryan takes a look at the good, the bad, and the very ugly of Yokai Dochuki.
Three games from 1990-92, examined in rapid succession by your friendly neighborhood "expert."
Since the very dawn of video gaming, ever since the first of countless alien invasions and nameless ninja clan insurgencies, gamers and developers have all agreed on one thing: peace is nice, but it's incredibly boring. A common theme has emerged throughout electronic
Since the Internet and emulation have become prevalent in gamers' lives (especially mine), I've had plenty of moments when I've been exposed to something that never left Japan and thought, “you know, this would have really done well in the West. It's a
Today we'll tackle another notable game that's long overdue for a NRW once-over. I'd been saving this one, because I'd really like to pluck heavily from 1987 this year, and Karnov is one of the most laughed-at yet loved games from the era.
I've been reading a lot lately about the video game developers who were active in Japan in the 1980s and early 90s, and I've learned some of interesting stuff. A lot of it has to do with these companies' origins and beginnings –
Video games are unlike any other from of entertainment. They are developed to be played continuously and new games will be coming out to supersede the old ones regular.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It could be said that if you wanted to make a good profit with a video game, be it now or in the 80s or 90s, the “dragons and wizards” angle has never been
Prepare yourself for a special presentation.
As part of this prestigious position, as well as out of deep personal interest, I try to keep abreast of what's going on in retro gaming. I follow topics with Google Alerts, I read Twitter (where a surprising amount of chatter on the topic takes
Take a gander at this incredible gem of a video!! This machine was designed by a good friend of FUGA's aka Carl FUGA.
In October 1958, a physicist name William Higinbotham changed the lives of many with his invention of what is believed to be the first ever video game. A simple tennis game, it became quite the hit at the Brookhaven National Laboratory open house. It was never