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Awaydays is directed by Pat Holden and stars Stephen Graham. Based on a novel of the same name published in 1998 written by Kevin Sampson. The story of a young adolescent who joins a local football firm and becomes a Casual. Running with the pack, he


It came from the back of the video store. The ghost of VHS past. Gregg Araki's final installment in his apocalypse trilogy. A trio of unrelated yet somehow very California films that track the lives of young people living in the vapid and pretentious world


Most pop culture enthusiasts recognize the iconic image of the fedora and whip since the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark on June 12, 1981. The image can truly only belong to the archaeologist Indiana Jones, the character that brought “the return to the


CREEPSHOW (1987) iT's the late eighties and you're five years old up late. You're watching cable television and this rolls across your screen on the cable-TV guide channel, "CreepShow 2". Do you watch it? Yes, you do. Creepshow is the sequel to the original film from the minds


  Relevant no matter the era—that’s how many would describe the Jack Finney-penned novel about pod people replacing humans and substituting individual consciousness with collective thought. It’s probably why there’s been four official adaptations.  Countless science fiction movies and television shows also have taken ideas from


tHE year was 1995 and only the kid with the full-time employed parent with a head for managing money had a home PC. Do you recall the annoyance of waiting for that alien orgasm noise from your speakers as you logged onto the internet and


It is with much great pleasure and good cheer that I finally bring to you - The first movie in the Young & Dangerous series. This will probably be your first viewing of this film and I'm sure will instigate interest in this great franchise


The Lost Boys was made 31 years ago Joel Schumacher is a director that is either loved or hated. Hated mostly because of his Batman films. A hate that I neither condone nor entertain; their comic book films, no different from the tongue and cheek jokefest