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From the dedicated team that brought you Cyborg: Deadly Machine comes a mischievous little piece of indie filmmaking to spice up your holiday season. Masebrothers are back with a brand new short film spoofing what may well be one of the greatest 80s Christmas movies


Rejoice! For your aching wait will shortly come to an end. Whilst most of you will have your eyes riveted on the 2020 presidential race in the US, the indie filmmakers known as the Masebrothers will be premiering their latest crowdfunded movie online. Cyborg: Deadly


It is official retro-lovers - Tim Miller has plans for William Gibson’s genre defining novel Neuromancer. He will be collaborating with Simon Kinberg.  Unfortunately, he is currently set to direct the new and generally unasked for Terminator film or films being produced by James Cameron; heaven