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Two years after dropping the classic score to the Masebrothers' Cyborg Deadly Machine, French producer Fixions has struck back with a merciless onslaught of Darksynth ripped straight from the deepest depths of hell. Requiem for the Serpents World is a brutal endaveour bearing the mark


From the dedicated team that brought you Cyborg: Deadly Machine comes a mischievous little piece of indie filmmaking to spice up your holiday season. Masebrothers are back with a brand new short film spoofing what may well be one of the greatest 80s Christmas movies


Following up on his triumphant comeback that was Mainframe, Waveshaper has blessed us with what may well be the most ambitious and downright spectacular Retrowave music video of the year. NewRetroWave could not be prouder to bring you “The Phantom Machine”, an action-packed feast for the


Rejoice! For your aching wait will shortly come to an end. Whilst most of you will have your eyes riveted on the 2020 presidential race in the US, the indie filmmakers known as the Masebrothers will be premiering their latest crowdfunded movie online. Cyborg: Deadly


Driven by the sincerest and purest of passions for all things retro and badass, the Masebrothers demonstrate the very best of what Indie filmmaking has to offer on Youtube. Their skits and short films blend comedy, action and a whole lot of DIY props, bringing