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10.) Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time  - It's about time we received the final installment of the new Evangelion mini-series. That's all I 'll say. Go see them.   9.) Brand New Cherry Flavor  - An underrated mini-series on NETFLIX  based on the novel of the


Scheduling releases must be a tough undertaking when you’re an artist as prolific as Makeup and Vanity Set. With his last full-length album Endless Destiny on Bandcamp since September 25th, the Nashville Synth-bandit has dropped yet another release titled Tesseract. Created in collaboration with Art


The artwork looks very HEAVY METAL and I'm liking it. The synopsis (below) looks very intriguing. I'm digging the sneak peek. Expect either a review of the first issue or the whole 12 issue arc here at New Retro Wave. BLADE RUNNER 2019 #1 (MR) (W) Michael Green, Mike


I told you a short time ago that Cyberpunk was going to be on a somewhat comeback. Fast forward to our present and we not only experienced an authentic and well deserved sequel to the original Blade Runner but, we've had a very well done