For the majority of 2016, I barely wrote any type of obituary for fallen celebrities. It’s not that I didn’t care; it was just very difficult to keep up with the all casualties of 2016. However, this is something I have to do.
For the majority of 2016, I barely wrote any type of obituary for fallen celebrities. It’s not that I didn’t care; it was just very difficult to keep up with the all casualties of 2016. However, this is something I have to do.
New Electric Youth just released. Taken from Nicolas Winding Refn’s new Neon Demon-inspired compilation. Yes, he directed the movie "Drive" which literally paved the way for the scene!!
Have you ever had the experience of thinking your mind was existing in two different places simultaneously? You're faintly aware of another layer existing beside it.
This is just awesome. Visuals and audio are solid. Pay attention Retro overs. J-Synth is here!!!
In an age where modern electronic music sees itself conducted by the click of a mouse (even amongst its most “old-school”-leaning producers), Austin’s Synth music scene serves as a welcome and refreshing change.
Detroit, MI - Electronic artist/producer, Klayton, best known as Celldweller, who recently launched the 80s inspired synthwave project Scandroid, has premiered the official music video for "Eden," from the project's self-titled debut album.
With Saint Patrick’s Day just around the corner and the cultural outrage over police brutality still a hot topic. This month’s RetroMovie will be William Lustig’s Maniac Cop.
Who is ready for some new FM-84?! You are you say, well listen up!!
The new Alien Covenant trailer is here. This one is gory guys!! Viewer discretion is advised
Sunglasses Kid is a prolific UK based retro synth producer known for his collabs with Miranda Carey and Dana Jean Pheonix, and co-producing NINA's 2016 EP. His signature style is the most sun-washed type of synthwave that would perfectly belong in 80's teen/young adult movies.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It's been too long since I've used this article space to showcase one of the fantastic retro-themed contemporary games currently available for modern systems. I'm guilty of focusing so sharply on the console days, spending so much effort digging
Big Trouble in Little China / Escape From New York has spent months as one of the most consistently enjoyable comics in months, with each issue adding to the craziness that makes the series so lovable.