Retro Movie of the Month goes to 1988's HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN. MadMax's bastard child. A future where human birth rates are at an all time low and reptilian mutations have evolved into the new age. No, it's not a David Icke lecture. It's Roddy
Retro Movie of the Month goes to 1988's HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN. MadMax's bastard child. A future where human birth rates are at an all time low and reptilian mutations have evolved into the new age. No, it's not a David Icke lecture. It's Roddy
On January 23rd, 1984, Hulk Hogan pinned the Iron Sheik to win the WWF (know called WWE) World Championship. This began a phenomenon lovingly referred to as “Hulkamania.” It also set off one of the more interesting periods in professional wrestling, and in pop music, which came to be