This video went viral quickly!! If you enjoy watching "Game of Thrones" then you will love it with an 80's feel intro ;)
This video went viral quickly!! If you enjoy watching "Game of Thrones" then you will love it with an 80's feel intro ;)
The Summoner is a love letter to the Eighties and the Synthwave scene.
I was watching the first Terminator movie on cable television for the one-ba’jillionth time this morning. It never gets old; it only gets better with age. Little tiny quirks and nuances make each viewing fresh and new to me… call me nostalgic.
There's a misconception among many modern Marvel fans that the comic book company's life on the big screen began with 1998's Blade.
Yes Yes Yes. We hear you guys. One cannot ignore this visual and audio masterpiece.
What are your thoughts on the new official reboot trailer?
Just when you thought it was safe
While in preparation for the outlining of a new mixtape, I decided to sit down and reflect on why I love retro-cyberpunk.
Dream Diary is the 2nd official single to be taken from Endgame which releases on November 9th 2015.
"Remember This… Werewolf (TV series)" (1987–1988) I was 5 years old when I first saw promos on Fox 5 for a new horror series called Werewolf. The promos told you nothing of what was going to happen, just an ominous voice warning you that this was
Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series was an anthology series featuring different individual stories; each episode being a two-tier story, with the second half focusing on a character that played a minor role in the previous role.