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They say, it took Chauncey ninety-three seconds to decide whether or not to help that homeless man; ninety-three seconds to decide and one minute to act on that decision. It’s funny what people do under pressure, when serendipity opens up her sweaty legs and puts


USA’s UP ALL NIGHT episode “Toxic Avenger” Look at what I found. Looks like I’ve found an entire episode of USA Networks UP ALL NIGHT starring the late Gilbert Gottfried. See, in 1989 USA network was trying to establish a foothold on the burgeoning cable network


Ambulance races by. Midnight_Hainesville. Alone in my room. Falling down. Confused. Disjointed.out-of-focus. Forgetting faces. Forgetting periods, forging distractions and falling in and out of dreaming. The complications and implications reseeding and echoing on the mind with every second dripping into unconsciousness. I was alone in


Around the corner, moments before Chauncey was Hit by that car.  Jimmy was just entering his tenement building. "Late night coming home from a temp job for some automotive corporation. I was expecting the usual greeting and shaking of the hands with every graveyard shift


PART 1 - It was the middle of the night. Chauncey had just stumbled his way out of the VIP lounge and down the alley connecting Spruce to Locust as he was casually strolling to his own beat. His arms moving in rhythm and his stride wide.


I know everyone right now is celebrating Michael Jackson on his what would've been his 60th birthday. Happy Birthday, Jacko. But, I wanted to remember another B-List celebrity of the 1980's, better known as the host of Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous and the


Firstly, I apologise for the wait for this installment of Retro Motors. As it happens I have been shoveling money like coal into a furnace into my 944, which has meant that my life has turned into the cycle of work, sleep, repeat, whilst stealing


I'm not just reporting what's already known about the production. I am expressing my excitement and optimistic enthusiasm about a third Bill & Ted film. Even though they were stoners, I loved those two movies. The simplistic charm and dimwitted charisma of those first films