Home / Articles Posted by Robin Ono (Page 18)

With its scintillating synth melody, high-speed night drifts and neon-lit city lights, the music video to The Weeknd’s ‘Blinding Lights’ has been turning heads over the past few weeks. Premiered on The Weeknd’s official youtube channel on January 21st of this year, the second single


With the resurgence of eighties pop-culture having marked a fair share of the last decade, the Retrowave community has come to expand and thrive as a fully-fledged postmodernist subculture. Bonded by a devotion to the idyllic neon era of action heroes and brick-sized mobile phones,


A quiet introvert by day and Black Mage by night, Franck has been leading the unsuspecting double life of a masked superhero for the past fourteen years with his alter ego known as Danger. Cited as a major influence and precursor by many of the


Hidden beneath the sleepless commotion of London’s ever so hectic Waterloo station, the 2019 edition of Retro Future Fest delivered on every one of its promises to dedicated fans having flocked to the British capital. Leake Streets’ brick-walled halls glowed with majestic, electric neon lights, paving


Seven days from now, London’s Southbank will be hosting what is already setting out to be the undisputed Retro gathering of the summer. European retroheads, mark your calendars on July 27th if you haven’t already, because Retro Future Fest is a date you’re not going


After three years of tireless efforts to deliver what is hyped up to be the Retrowave movie experience of a lifetime, Seth Ickerman has recently announced the near completion of their widely anticipated Blood Machines Space-Opera feature. Pitched as a follow up to the jaw-dropping