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(Very) Honorable Mentions Peter Zimmermann - Through The Night (Part 1) THROUGH THE NIGHT (PART I) by Peter Zimmermann Florida Skyline – The Green Tapes The Green Tapes by Florida Skyline Arcade High - New Impressions New Impressions by Arcade High Megadrive - 199XAD 199XAD by Mega Drive Billy Mays Band - Introspection Introspection by


List from Steve Wilcoxson: Top 10 Retrowave Songs of 2019 10. McRocklin & Hutch - One of Them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FAPzb9mlPk 9. Michael Oakley - Push It To The Limit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqvpGcPOV-s 8. FM Attack - Dark Blue Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5DFbw3IoEA 7. Futurecop! - Star (feat. Computer Magic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi8ccp5VI3Q 6. Kalax - Let Go (feat. Anton Vic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIq_vv4XeVE 5. Timecop1983 - My Delorean (feat. Primo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q05jWNsLtas 4. FM-84 - Bend


The amazing synth blog Vehlinggo has released an absolutely stunning compilation album called "Vehlinggo Presents - 5 Years!"  This album celebrates the 5 year anniversary of Vehlinggo - founded by Aaron Vehling Nov. 19th, 2014. Saying "Aaron Vehling is brains behind Vehlinggo," is a vast understatement.


“New World” is an apt title for the latest album from Shawn Ward – better known as the legendary FM Attack. Between having a little girl, Stella, for whom his last album “Stellar” is named, and also moving from Mexico back to his native Vancouver


Vivid neon lights dance over burnt clay brick walls, studded leather, and an array of sunglasses that gleam like mirrors catching the sun. Body heat steam rises to mix with an artificial fog, the warm fervor falling like a hush over the crowd. The music


Here it is ladies and gentlemen. The most important list of all! The Top Ten Best Retrowave Albums of 2017. It was such a packed year with many album releases. Making this list was not easy. Without further ado, we present The Top Ten Best