Double Dragon, originally released in 1987 and developed by Technos Japan, is an iconic representative of its genre: the side-scrolling beat ‘em up action game.
Double Dragon, originally released in 1987 and developed by Technos Japan, is an iconic representative of its genre: the side-scrolling beat ‘em up action game.
Panda P.I. is a relative newcomer to the retrowave scene. He released a few EPs last year, and was even featured on the soundtrack of an indie video game, “A Half Genie Mermaid Adventure,” but “Victim of Technology” is Panda’s first effort at a full
This Month In Retro is a monthly article where we look back on the current month as it happened during the 1980's. Learn, reminisce, and stay retro.
FREAKED was originally meant to be a low-budget horror film featuring the Butthole Surfers but after a number of rewrites became one of the most underrated black comedies ever.
It’s actually been quite a good year in terms of joint efforts in synth. I didn’t rank them on purpose as I felt they are quite different in terms of production approaches and general vibe.
Neo-noir is and has been back in its prime with both urban and rural settings, neon lights, lens flares, bad people doing bad things and dangerous women turning the gears in a f’d up amoral world of vice and anti-social behavior.