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You may have heard Tripped or Over Again—two really rad tracks by MODERNS featured here on NRW's enormous YouTube channel. I'm looking to hear more voices from artists in this scene, providing more definition and clarity as synthwave discovers itself and what it's capable of as it goes


Listen up folks Three MAJOR  retrowave/synthwave bands are lined up for this EPIC event. Look closely! Yup. Arcade High, Bourgeoisie and Let Em Riot are all confirmed to rock the arena!! The Retrowave event with the three bands that are currently performing can be found on the Templecon


THIS INFO WAS TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM LET EM RIOTS WEBSITE POST I am so excited to announce today that Let Em Riot has signed to London based Blog/Record Label, Electronic Rumors. Preparation has begun for the release of Let Em Riot's recently completed EP entitled "/wave" (Slash