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From the tumultuous political nightmares to the unexpected stock market takeovers, this first month into 2021 certainly wasn't the first breath of fresh air we had been naively hoping for. With all of its frantic twists and turns, History has not been keeping still lately


March may come in like a lion but Mecha Maiko made sure that February 2018 didn’t end with a whimper. Hayley Stewart, former half of Dead Astronauts, accomplishes a lot in her 10 track debut that proves to be infectious, exciting, and introspective pop-infused synthwave.


 NewRetroWave's Top Ten EPs of 2014 by Joey Edsall (@JoeyEdsall) 10. Dynatron – Throttle Up My list begins with the first release I reviewed for NRW. I initially described the release as “confident“, and after months of listening this still stands.  Throttle Up has a thumping, driving quality to it that never really