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It’s time to pick up your receivers, retroheads! Sellorekt/LA Dreams’s on line one and is demanding that you check out his latest album Cherry Vice, an album drenched in commodified office-space romance. With his efficient blend of Synthwave and officewave pastiche aesthetics, Sellorekt shows us


10. Waveshaper - The Disk Hunter The Gothenburg Synthwaver takes us on a night cruise through a majestic technopolis. Listen to The Disk Hunter 9. Powernerd - Destroy to Create Powernerd suits up in chrome battlegear and delivers an action-packed EDM-meets-Synthwave EP full of electrifying basslines and punchy beats. Listen to Destroy


Welcome wavers to NewRetroWave Weekly Selection! Friday afternoons mean one thing – the NRW Weekly Selection. We’re striving to bring you the best of the best. From outrun to darksynth, we have your weekend covered! W.A.V.E. by Emil Rottmayer Detached EP by Emil Rottmayer Gamble by Dj Ten Gamble by DJ


10. Sellorekt/LA Dreams - Shadow Voices by Sellorekt/LA Dreams 9. Carbon Killer - Carbon Inc by Jay Jackson 8. Lucy In Disguise - Unknown Frequency by Fvckrender 7. Mitch Murder - Hardwired by Junkboy 6. Deadlife - Variation on the Resolve by SKEOR 5. DJ Ten - Trinity by Fab Ciraolo  4. Astral Tales - Seafari By Magdalena