Danny Scott Lane channels Japanese chic on ‘Holy Goodnight’
Photographer and producer Danny Scott Lane has released an intriguing new entry into the business casual catalogue. Titled Holy Goodnight, the ten-track record channels the vibrant cosmopolitan poptimism of Japanese City Pop and adds a smooth flair of jazz and funky kicks for good measure,

Photographer and producer Danny Scott Lane has released an intriguing new entry into the business casual catalogue. Titled Holy Goodnight, the ten-track record channels the vibrant cosmopolitan poptimism of Japanese City Pop and adds a smooth flair of jazz and funky kicks for good measure, amounting to the perfect soundtrack to driving up to the office and confidently asking for a promotion like it’s 1970s’ Japan.
Favorite tracks : 授与な 事, Light Nude, Mirror Spit
Danny Scott Lane ‘Holy Goodnight’ is out now via Bandcamp.