ROBERT PARKER – CRYSTAL CITY Sometimes you wonder how music this old can sound so fresh before you realize; it's actually from the future

Sometimes you wonder how music this old can sound so fresh before you realize; it’s actually from the future…
Robert Parker simultaneously delivers a sound that is both the past and the future of music. The soundtrack to a film that’s never been made, a futuristic-nostalgia made using instruments from the past to reflect what we dreamt the future would sound like.
Parker’s music exists in a parallel universe to where we are now, otherworldly yet at the same time familiar.
Poly pads and crystalline leads, FM style workouts in retro warmth, galactic melody patterns meandering through Juno/ Jupiter stabs and cosmic chords. Interstellar transmissions in grainy lo-fi washes with delay-drenched splendor.
Crystal City exists in these two states, both bygone and impending, of what music once was and what it could be again.
Trance-like retro-synthetic flavors fusing action-packed soundtrack excursions in a Tron-scored analog heaven.