Mental Health Awareness Week Playlist
It was mental health awareness week in the UK last week and it is time to spread the word and rally together some supreme talent to help get the word out. So from Friday the 15 to the 29th, the plan is to raise awareness for

Hey Guys
James from Nostalgic Fantasy recently contacted us in note for a worthy cause. We need your help to make this happen folks, especially you retro producers out there.
It was mental health awareness week in the UK last week and it is time to spread the word and rally together some supreme talent to help get the word out..
So from Friday the 15 to the 29th, the plan is to raise awareness for MentalHealthAwareness 2015 by getting as many producers as possible to donate a track.
This track then goes into an open playlist of donated/ submitted songs in support of Mental Awareness. the playlist is open to anyone who wishes to add to it but its only for free downloads.
If anyone wishes to get involved, please send an email to: no*******************@ou*****.com
Stay retro my friends!