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Meet the brains and power behind NRW!


Ten. S, Founder and CEO/CFO/ Editor in Chief

A lover of 80’s breakbeat, Freestyle, Power ballads and 80’s classic rock. Also a lover of 80’s culture in general. He aims to share the new retro sound with as many people as possible. Formerly was a Research Specialist in Pulmonary Disease/ Lung Cancer prevention.

Sam HaiNe, Movie Editor

photo Credit:i Sam Haine photo Credit:i Sam Haine

Sam Haine is simply a writer born on the East Coast who enjoys cooking. He is the contributor of the monthly Retro Movie Review and the recurring ‘Remember This…’ column. He is the creator and writer of Hainesville (facebook.com/allhailming), has released three spoken word albums + one Electro-house single, and provides Cult Fiction to Cult Classic Goods. At times he can be seen haunting the isles of a comic book shop and other times traveling about between here and out there somewhere in the United States, smacking the bottom of a pack of Camel blue. He is currently working on his first collection of short stories.



Bryan Eddy, Gaming Editor

Bryan Eddy Bryan Eddy

Bryan Eddy, aka Culture Brain, aka the Phantasmal Thrilla, is the mouse on a treadmill you see when you open up NRW Gaming and look inside. It is said that his eyes are full of madness, so avert your gaze and be content with videos and articles. Bryan lives a hermit-like existence in Raleigh, NC.



Joey Edsall, Graphic Novel Editor

Photo by Amanda Dittmar Photo by Amanda Dittmar

Joey Edsall was born and raised near Scranton, Pennsylvania. He has always immersed himself in art, being an avid fan of film and music. In addition to the electronic production aspect of music, he is the lead guitarist of Scranton-based post-hardcore band Give Us Your Bones.  It was his love of film that initially drew Joey to NRW and the unique sounds of the genre, through modern classics like Drive and retro classics like Big Trouble in Little China. He is also a middle school English teacher and his short fiction has appeared in In Parentheses and so glad is my heart.

Twitter: @JoeyEdsall



Andrew Zistler, Music Editor

Born in a rural Rust Belt town, Andrew Zistler was raised on moldy books, dial-up internet and old VHS tapes of long-canceled Saturday morning cartoons.

Eventually Andrew traded the middle of nowhere for a jungle of concrete, where he now works as a freelance journalist and web producer.

An ardent admirer of the written word and electronic music, Andrew began his love affair with all things retro wave after discovering a certain heady blend of “mid-fi-synth-wave-slow-motion-funk” in late 2010.



Steven Wilcoxson, Retrowave Song Editor

Robin Ono, Interview Editor

Robin is a writer born and raised in the small country of Luxemburg.
Eurasian, raised English and schooled in the french educational system, the task of figuring out which olympic team to root for triggers a deep, harrowing existential crisis in his soul. Over the years, his go-to response when asked about his origins has come to be funnelled down into a single phrase:
“I am basically a white man dipped in soy sauce”.

Having spent most of his childhood years nesting in the solace of video games and Cartoon Network, his interest would later become fixated on the record collection left behind by his elder siblings. His passion-turned-obsession for newfound musical and artistic subcultures is now channeled through his output as a freelance contributor and journalist, writing articles and conducting interviews for both English and French-speaking written media.

Mike Belshaw, Retro Motor Editor

Abraham Aguero, Web Developer/ Programmer




Christopher Fried

Devon P

Amonne Purity

Preston Cram

Filip Galetic

Rhys Pearse

Tommy Young



Photo Credit:  OverGlow Photo Credit:  OverGlow

YEAR 2086.
The human race, as you know it, no longer exists.
In the first decades of the XXI century, a minimalism trend
fascinated mankind, prompting it to seek simplicity
and essentially in every aspect of life.
Human existence began a process of refinement,
eliminating everything that could be defined useless.
It was the dawn of a New Era, where “less” was “more”

Sepe Design

Sepe Design Sepe Design

Illustrator & videographer based in Barcelona.


Sam Todhunter

Graphic Illustrator based in Orange County, CA


Ariel Zucker

Graphic Artist based in NYC


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